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Composite Decks

Composite Deck Builders WNC

While wood is typically what people think of when the word deck is mentioned, composite decking material can no longer be ignored.  

Composite decking material is typically comprised of natural and artificial materials (such as wood fiber and recycled plastic) that have been chemically treated and molded into the shape of a wood plank. As such, this hybrid material boasts a wide variety of options while also sharing the benefits that pressure-treated lumber has to offer. If you’re interested in composite decking, you’ve come to the right place! 

Licensed Installers for Composite Decking

WNC Deck Builders of Asheville are licensed installers for composite decking. Composite materials lend themselves to custom deck designs, meaning that the sky’s the limit with the number of options you have! Our past customers have taken full advantage of composite material with projects such as designing a beautiful deck that surrounds a pool, which is highly resistant to weathering and water due to the composite’s nature.  

Convinced yet? If not, here are some more amazing benefits of composite decks. 

The Many Benefits of Composite Decks

As mentioned, composite decks don’t have the same constraints of natural wood decks and have some major benefits as well. A few immediate benefits of building a composite deck over a traditional wood deck are: 

With the above benefits in mind, we’ve noticed customers have started to favor composite materials over natural wood. The cost of composite materials is currently higher than natural wood but lowering more and more by the day. It’s possible that in a few years’ time, we could reach a point where real wood decks are no more. 

Composite Trex Deck Builders

Trex is a type of composite decking material that is infused with stain and fade-resistant color. This material not only has all the benefits of other composite materials when used for a deck but adds even more longevity as well.  

As these are artificially created and colored, you’re not stuck with the usual brown wood you’re used to seeing. Trex comes in a variety of reds, browns, and greys to really make your deck pop during your next social outing. We’re partial to the Island Mist grey shade ourselves.  

With the variety of colors, benefits of composite materials, and, of course, its long-lasting appeal, it’s easy to see why Trex has become a gold standard for the industry. If you’re interested in learning more, give us a ring as we have lots of experience working with it and can answer all your burning questions.   

Get a Free Estimate for Composite Deck Installation TODAY 

WNC Deck Builders of Asheville offers competitive rates for composite and Trex installations. Get a free estimate for our composite deck installation services today! 

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